Main Page

From Playasophy
Revision as of 01:25, 1 October 2017 by Cnk (talk | contribs)

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Playasophy is a Burning Man camp based out of Seattle and San Francisco. We've been on playa since 2010, and you can usually find us in the 3:00 sector. A crew of the flyest flyers that ever flew.

We run a hookah lounge and serve iced coffee in the afternoon, and host live music performances, talks, and workshops into the evening most weekdays.

Drop us a line at info-at-playasophy-dot-org to get in touch. If you're interested in using our lounge space for a performance/talk/workshop, want to share an experience you had at our camp, or just want to learn more about Playasophy, we'd love to hear from you.

2017 camp photo.jpg


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Packing list!

You might be interested in art projects like the Wonderdome and Hookah Lounge, or camp infrastructure, including the power, water, and electricity.

Get acquainted with camp by reading about our history and guiding philosophy, or cultural peculiarities like our perennial struggle to bring an art car out to the playa.

We've also got events like Virgin Orientation and the ever-popular What Is Burning Man? talk.

Roles is one big topic that could benefit from wikification. Chris should get on this. Or Greg.

Some camp subcommunities are so well established that they deserve their own wiki pages. For example, The Saratogans or the Sig Tau contingent.

How about recipes? Kitchen Master represent!

Music ---> right here: Music

Getting started

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